Futuras Posibles is a journey—or rather, multiple journeys at once—that embrace many cracks: my own and those of those who accompany me in this process of migration. Through it, I aim to reflect on my ongoing pursuit of identity in unfamiliar surroundings by reappropriating Google Workspace from a design perspective, serving as a metaphor for my own migratory process and adaptation to new territories. 
               This project is at once an exploration, a conversation, and an invitation—to venture into the unknown while sharing and reflecting on the experiences of others. Thank you for taking the time to embark on this journey and for reading my thoughts and feelings. I hope you enjoy navigating it as much as I enjoyed creating it.
               // For a fair navigation please only visit the desktop version.    

0_        Introduction
                   0.2_My Diary
1_        Saltar el Charco
2_        She wanted to be invisible and yet wanted to belong *
                   2.1_Dwelling in the othering
3_        We transit, We transform
4_        Weaving through dialogue
                   Map visualization                
                           Ahmad Hammoud
                           Juliana Vargas Zapata
                           Nicolás Cevallos
                           Vlad Boyko **
                           Michelle Phillips
                           Ali Gödil
                           Na Kim ***
                           William Mora

5_        We achieve
6_        I needed to inhabit the in-between to remember that there I can find bliss too
7_        Thank you
8_        Google $hi7$
Bibliography ****

* FP // She wanted to be invisible and yet wanted to belong. Please view this chapter under the Calendar weekly view from December 1—7, 2024.
** FP // Vlad Boyko. Please view this chapter under the Calendar weekly view from 6—12, October 2024.
*** FP // Na Kim. Please click on the left bar to ensure you don’t miss any important information on this interview.
**** FP // Bibliography. Please view this chapter under the Calendar monthly view from January 2025.

// All links that lead to Google My Maps sites can also be viewed and experienced with Google Earth.  Click on  ⋮  on the menu on the left,  and choose ‘View map in Google Earth’